作者: 山东支点网络科技有限公司 发布时间: 2023-04-26 来源: 本站
分类 | 原因说明 | 解决策略 |
推广页 | 网站用户体验差 Poor User Experience. Your request wasn't approved because it is likely to create a poor user experience. Please feel free to check our Advertising Policies if you have any questions. We reserve the right to reject any request that doesn't follow our policies. |
链接无法被打开,推广页空白,无法正常跳转 Website link not working. Advertiser website link is invalid. Please provide working promotable website. |
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粉丝页 | 链接无法被打开,粉丝页空白,无法正常跳转Unpublished page(s). Submitted pages are not published, please ensure all pages are published and active before submission. | 粉丝主页确认已发布,并且面向所有区域可见 |
信息不完善、信息有误、不匹配 Not match with promoting website(s) or app(s). Please ensure your promoting page(s) and {website(s)/app(s)} are aligned in company name, brand or promoting content. |
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营业执照 | 营业执照过期或开户主体信息与执照信息不一致Invalid Advertiser. This advertiser does not have a legit record from China Government record: http://gsxt.saic.gov.cn/.Invalid Business Registration - Submitted Business Registration is not for Facebook ad account creation purpose, please provide valid Business Registration for review. |
高违规广告主主体 | 因账户违规率高,被FB标记为高违规主体You can't request a new ad account for [org name (either agency or advertiser)] because it has had too many ad policy violations recently. This business won't be able to create more accounts until they improve policy compliance in their current active account(s). Please help your clients to understand and avoid policy violations. To learn more, contact your sales representative or view our advertising policies (https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads/). | 针对已经下户存在违规行为的账户进行整改 |
开户主体不一致 | 网页或者粉丝页被判定归属于另一个主体,并非上传营业执照开户主体Please advise the relationship between {XXX} and the advertiser. | 要证明两个主体之间的关联,需要提供证明,参考如下图形式 |
商务管理平台 | 商务管理平台不允许新建广告帐户Too many ad accounts of your business were disabled, according to our policy you are not allowed to create more accounts. Please contact your sales representative for support. |
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